Privacy Policy

All information presented, conveyed or carried on is protected by copyright and other intellectual property laws.The content is owned in entirety by Kreston Menon. You may not copy, publish, edit, transfer, sell, replicate, perform, present or in any way commercially utilize any of the content. We will not be answerable for any loss or damage in any form caused by any third party misusing the information published on our website.We reserve the full right, at our sole discretion, to interrupt or revoke the service at any time. We reserve the right to refuse service to any individual or organization at anytime.We value the confidentiality of information relating to our associates that is published on the site. We do not divulge information about your visits to our website, or any information that you may give us, such as your name, address, email address or telephone number, to any outside sources.We promise not to use information provided by you without your consent, and we will provide the means for you to manage and regulate the said information. We will provide the means for you to communicate your privacy apprehensions to us and we will respond to them appropriately.We, Kreston Menon Group, claim all warranties or conditions, whether expressed or implied, (including without limitation implied, warranties or conditions of information and context). We consider ourselves and intend to be subject only to the jurisdiction of the courts of Kerala, India.The articles published in the newsletter reflect the individual opinions of the corresponding authors and do not represent the viewpoints of the Kreston Menon Group as a whole.This website is created and maintained autonomously by IPIX Tech Services Pvt. Ltd.